Saturday 18 June 2011

Turn Your Marriage Around in 5 Easy Steps

Is your relationship in trouble? Perhaps divorce has even been discussed?

Don’t worry, there’s always hope and it’s not too late to get your love back. Here five ways you can turn things around.  

  •  It’s all in the atmosphere. Make sure you take steps to reverse the negative feel in your house. Avoid giving disapproving looks or making cynical comments; instead make sure you inject hope and happiness into your home. Start lightheaded chats, smile at your partner, laugh together. Remember that 'old atmosphere' and take steps to recreate it. A happy, upbeat house sets a great basis for further progress.
  • Wear rose-tinted spectacles - see the best in each other. Don’t be so critical - make an effort to see each other’s positive qualities. Remember the things you used to find so attractive in your partner and make a point looking for them again. This new approach will soften your feelings to each other.
  • Dress for your partner! Wear clothes they like. Then take it onto another level and work on displaying all those character traits you know they like. Show them all your finer qualities and trigger all those old, loving feelings again.
  • Make a start on moving forward: put the concept of saving your marriage on the table. Have an initial discussion that perhaps divorce is not right for you both.
  • Take small steps. Once the concept of saving your marriage is out in the open you can take it from there. Talk, listen, work on the big issues. It will take time but it will bear fruits..
If your marriage is in trouble it’s never too late to start again. Even if just one of you wants to save your marriage you can find resources that enable you to rekindle your romance.

Thursday 21 April 2011

How to Fix Your Marriage

It’s no good moping around lamenting your failing marriage. Don’t let things slide, take action to save your marriage today.

There’s always hope to rekindle lost romance; here are some ideas you might find useful.
1.    Share Experiences Together
We all get caught up in our day-to-day lives but finding ‘us’ time is important to keep your relationship strong. Make an effort to plan a meal out, romantic walk or even a weekend away. The most important factor is not the cost or location; it's having the opportunity to spend time together alone.
Once you’ve arranged some special time out; don’t waste the moment. Make sure you put every effort into keeping your romance alive. Talk to your spouse before your 'date', explaining that you want to spend the time being really positive about your marriage; paying each other compliments, reminiscing about the past, making each other laugh. Times spent together like this are like glue for a marriage that’s falling apart.
2.    Be Touchy Feely!
Keep up the physical contact – however busy you are there are no excuses not to find time to hold hands, enjoy a hug, share a kiss. This daily physical contact shows your spouse you love them and helps keep the spark alive.  
If your marriage is failing it’s never too late to take action. Learn how to bring your love back using tried and tested methods that have already helped thousands of couples re-discover their love.

Monday 14 February 2011

No Situation is Unsalvageable

Are you and your spouse fighting all the time?
Do you feel ever-more distant from each other?
Are you worried that your marriage is reaching the point of no return?

Whatever the source of your marital stress, help is at hand in the form of a common sense approach to save your marriage TODAY. 

With the ethos that 'Almost NO SITUATION is unsalvageable', get tips, advice and solutions that can be applied to your own situation. 

Not convinced? Check out these testimonial from couples who've tried this approach in the past.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Do You Want a Second Chance?

If you want to put your marriage back on track there are numerous steps you can take. Have a look at today’s three tips for saving your marriage today.

In order to get back together with your ex girlfriend, there are numerous steps to take. Here are some of the tips that you should keep in mind when working through this process.

*    Don’t Forget to Talk: Keep the communication lines open. Try to avoid ignoring each other and remain civil. You may have issues but look at the bigger picture – after all this is the person you chose to spend the rest of your life with.  By keeping things in perspective and ensuring you keep talking there is every chance that you can put things right.

*   Talk About the Right Things! There’s no need for you to communicate every insecurity to your partner or relay to them all those reasons that you’re feeling sorry for yourself right now. Instead choose a friend to confide in so that you are not wallowing in negativity within your marriage.  Try to avoid being needy or negative with your spouse and keep your communication upbeat.

*    Try to Move Forward: If you have got into good habits with your communication you should get to the point when it’s comfortable to talk about the problem areas within your marriage. At some point you both need to sit down and analyze what went wrong with your relationship. Were both of your needs being met? Did you feel appreciated? Are there things either of you say or do that cause hurt to the other? Once you know what the causes of your problems are it’s the first them to rectifying them and saving your marriage.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Does your Behavior Push your Partner Away?

Every marriage has it's cracks. Sometimes however these begin the shatter the relationship and it can take a concerted effort to get your love back.

If you are reading this blog then you are no doubt serious about rekindling your relationship. However, sometimes, for all our efforts, we can be working against our aim rather than towards it.

Don't Score an 'Own Goal'

There are times when your anxiety to improve things could actually be having the opposite affect and driving your spouse away.

As you crank up your efforts to get closer, their natural reaction might be to take a step back. Take time to think about how you might inadvertently be piling on the pressure by:

-       calling them throughout the day,
-       constantly sending them e-mails and text messages,
-       trying to make them feel sorry for you.

Don't Overpower Your Partner

These behaviors backfire and whilst actioned out of concern or by a need to feel closer, they are likely to feel a little overpowering to the recipient.

Have a think about the amount of contact you have with your partner. Could it be a little too intense? Is it at a level that they are comfortable with?

Today's blog tip is to take time to reflect up on the way that you try to get close to your spouse. Could you be overdoing it and doing more harm than good?
You CAN save your marriage. Take the first steps NOW